Wednesday 29 May 2013

Are we, as women, ever happy?

Hello Blog world!!

It's been a long time between chats eh!

Busy woman that I am, I forget I have a blog LOL

Just wanted to tell you all about a funny thing that happened to me today.  If you follow my blog you will know I am a lapbander (bandit) and have lost a LOT of weight....92kg to be exact...I'm nearly at the end of the weight loss journey (has taken me 5 bloody years.... PLEASE do NOT think it is a magic wand, I'm liable to throttle you) and I struggle in my head to see the difference some days... I actually keep a "fat" photo on my mirror these days to remind myself !  But today something amazing happened.....I was walking past a shop window and glanced sideways at the reflection and could not believe this woman was me!  Tall, slim woman wearing knee high boots and a tight knitted dress...very smart if I must say so myself, WAS ME!!!

Now I know some of you skinnies might think this is bullshit, but this is one of the realisations us bandits NEED!! Our heads are very complex things and I was overweight all my life so it is hard to get your head on the same level as your body!  My doc once told me it takes 4 years (he was a year out...meh) for our heads to catch up!  Well HELLO slim Meegan!

But, with the huge loss of weight comes the huge excess of skin.... Now I'm not blaming anyone but myself for stretching my skin to the point of no return, I ate, I got fat, I take full responsibility, but no one tells you how you are going to feel about your new slim self with this excess skin problem....Its gross, I hate it and I doubt until its removed, I am ever going to feel slim.

Remove it you say! Well I have already spent $3000 having the "bat wings" removed...but for the rest I am looking at $12k to have done, 6 weeks off work (impossible) and some pretty heavy recovery, that I do not have either the money or the support at home to do :(

So I am tackling this problem, one tax return at a time, this tax time, its gunna be my legs.  I cant wait to have my skin taken away from there so I can finally wear a skirt that doesn't have to be under my knees!!  Same reason I had my arms I could for the first time in my life, wear a singlet top and be happy (Mind you it was 2 yrs AFTER having my arms done that I actually felt comfortable WEARING a singlet top)

So this leads me to women, are we ever HAPPY with our bodies?  I see this with a lot of my friends, not the same problems, but things they hate about themselves, whether from child bearing, or weight loss or just something about themselves, that I personally do not see, we all seem to have really bad body issues.

I think that SUCKS!

So I have decided every night, I am gunna look at my self, standing in my undies in front of the mirror, and tell myself, FARK IT MAN! You are 43, you've had 3 kids and you look FAB!

By the way...still single....fark me.... My friends say I'm too fussy.... PFFT! I just want a decent bloke who can keep up in a conversation with me....LOL

Being single sucks shit too.... "get out there more"... "meet new people" they say.... FARK ME...I couldn't get more "out there" truly!! I run a support group for other bandits, I have an "Eating Out In Tassie" fb page, I run a kindness page called Pay It Forward - Tas....mate the only way I could be anymore out was if I was gay LOL (not that there is anything wrong with that....I just couldn't do the "downstairs" if you know what I mean LOL)

Well I think that's about it.... I hope your all happy in your journey's and life is treating you all well :)

Til next time

Meegs xx

Before and After: