Tuesday 12 July 2011

SPD-What is it and how did my boy get it??

Today, my son Joseph was finally given a name to his "meltdown" problem.
He has SPD - Sensory Processing Disorder.

"People with SPD experience their world as either Hypersensitive (over reactive, sensory avoidance) or Hyposensitive (under reactive, sensory seeker). They may also present with motor skill problems. They may react with strong emotional behaviours and experience what may be described as ‘melt downs’."

Poor old Joe was labelled with having "anger" issues at his last school, I have had him to pyschologists, doctors, counsellours, anyone who would listen and finally today a wonderful paediatrician told my son that he doesnt have anger issues, he has SPD.
Next week we are beginning Occupational Therepy to help Joe cope in his world.  I have a heap of reading to do tonight and have just ordered the book called "Sensational Kids" by Dr Lucy Miller.

Sensory Integration (S.I.) is the term used to describe the way in which the brain sorts out and organizes for our use the many sensations which we receive. 

Dr Jean Ayres defined sensory integration as, ‘the neurological process that organizes sensations from one’s own body and from the environment and makes it possible to use the body effectively within the environment” (Ayres, p11, 1989).

Sensory Integration is the body’s ability to:

1 Receive or take in sensory stimuli
2 Interpret the stimuli
3 Process the stimuli into a response; and
4 Adaptively respond to the stimuli

The sensory system takes information from the surrounding environment through touch, smell, sound, vision, taste, movement and gravity. It processes or interprets these sensations together to make sense of the environment. The process of sensory integration lays the foundation for efficient operation of the nervous system and other parts of the body that respond to the signals sent by the nervous system. The child then responds to these sensory inputs and makes appropriate responses to perform skills required.

These difficulties put children with SPD at high risk for many emotional, social, and educational problems, including the inability to make friends or be a part of a group, poor self-concept, academic failure, and being labeled clumsy, uncooperative, belligerent, disruptive, or “out of control.” Anxiety, depression, aggression, or other behavior problems can follow. Parents may be blamed for their children’s behavior by people who are unaware of the child’s “hidden handicap.

So, to all the staff at Joes last school......NO he HASNT had his medication....Because HE ISNT ON ANY!  He has SPD! Dont you love it when our educators think they have a degree in Medicine too!!

Hopefully now Joe's life will settle into a more calm and easy routine....our marvellous doctor will even be writting to Joes new school to explain his SPD.

Me, Im just happy to know he will be ok! 

Sunday 10 July 2011

Its MUSIC HALL time!!

For the past ten years I have been a cast member of "The Bagdad Music Hall".  I was thrown in the deep end when I first moved back to Tassie by my friend Marie.  I had heard great things from my mate Steve Hildebrand (or Homebrand as we call him...better known in these parts as "Coon").  I was so nervous that I had to be pushed on stage and can I tell you I have never looked back!  We are like a family now and every year it rejuvenates my sense of humour!  It is getting more and more "tongue in cheek" every year and is so much fun.

Here's a taster....we made youtube!


Rehearsals start in March/April.....We put a hell of a lot of our own time into it...Rehearsals in Winter can be "fun" but when the curtain opens all the time and effort is worth it.  We have a ball and so do our guests!  You arrive to a gorgeous scene of candlelit tables and hot soup to start your meal....Then a full carvery meal and dessert between acts....you dont even have to leave your table for a drink...our fabulous "beer runners" bring you a fresh jug as soon as you raise it!  Half time we have a sing for your supper.....and those of you that have an URGE to get on stage...this is your chance!  It is a loved tradition in the Midlands and all proceeds from the show goes back into the community.

Young and old are involved....no previous experience required....alcohol is provided for inspiration LOL.  I am proud to be a member of the club and very proud to be a member of this community.  This year is our 30th Anniversary!  30 years this great show has been running....lets make it another 30!

If you live in Tassie and would like to come along.....book now!  The show runs from the 12th August until the 27th.   Fri and Sat only.  Call Maureen on 03 62686 170 to book!

Til next time...........

Break a leg! xxxxx