Wednesday 1 June 2011

Being Sick Sucks!

It got me....and boy is it making me pay....Have been off work all week with the dreaded flu and you dont realise how important it is to be healthy until your sick.

My house smells like a football changeroom....vicks rubbed to the soles of my feet...electric blanket on 3 trying to sweat it out but alas...nothing is working...I am feeling very sorry for myself, hardly ever get sick like this..head cold now and then but not the flu....I am definatley having the flu shot next year!

I have become so desperate that I have even tried a few old wives tales remedies...I boiled onions covered in Manuka Honey and drank the liquid...I gotta say it did indeed help my chest....well soothed anyway....Im off for a chest xray at 12, having finally surcumbed to going to the doctor, who prescribed antibiotics, then going to pick up some olive leaf extract that my cousin swears by....Im happy to try anything to feel better.  I have 2 boys at home that still need to be fed and readied for school (last day today for term thankfully) so cant just crawl into bed and stay there..URGHHHHH.....thankfully they know Im crook and have been trying to help me bless them.

So what is your get well quick remedy for the flu?   The old vicks on the feet isnt really working but it a bit on the chest helps with the sleeping at least...

Hope this finds you all well.....When I shake this I am going to put steps in place to take better care of myself.  A multi vitamin is due (especially being a bander) and daily vitamin C....

Thankfully I have my books to while away the hours.....special thanks to Kaylee...who always passes her read ones on to me and saves me a fortune xxx

Til next time....cough cough cough

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