Sunday 1 May 2011

What are the rules of dating in your 40's?

Good grief....Its all new to me....

If you have been reading my blog you will know that I have been single for the last 8 years.  Through choice mostly...but after some of the train wrecks I have endured I thought it was time to take a break and find "me"....I was exactly where I left myself so that didnt take long (lol) then I must admit I began to like having a life to myself, where I didnt have to answer to anyone and could spend on my credit card to my heart and wallets content!  I know I can survive just fine on my own but the last few years and losing weight, I am now getting a lot more attention from men than I probably have ever had in my life and I must admit...I LIKE IT!

So into the world of dating I am throwing myself again at the ripe old age of 40 odd!

It hasnt been all that bad...obviously I havent met Mr Right just yet but its been fun  But it seems to me the rules have all changed now....Girls are a LOT more confident and forthright and I find that all a bit scary!  Shouldnt men have to put a little effort into romancing you or have the confident girls killed it off?  I expect effort....I still love flowers and texts for no other reason than to say hello....I like nice restuarants and live shows.....I like a man to be presented well and smell I expecting too much in this age of the "Naughties"??

I have never been confident in this area, so the chances of me initiating a date is probably never gunna happen...I am a bit out of my league....LOL

So what are the rules these days?  Should a girl approach a guy she likes?  Or should she wait for him to do it?  Is it really a world of meet..go home and have sex all in the same night?  I am feeling old LOL

In the mean time I will keep kissing frogs and hoping for the prince LOL

Til next time...............xxxx


  1. Hi Meegs! Dunno the rules either, being happily wed for nearly 24 years. I am of the opinion though, that nothing is better than being yourself - whether that's being bold and upfront, or not. All the best in your dating adventures. I hope you snag a good one who loves you for who you are and brings you breakfast in bed.

  2. oh the rules...would that be the 'men'' rules or the 'women'rules you're after!?
    Welcome to this side of coupledom.
    It's not all bad - and the trainwrecks are all behind you now- right!?
    I have a blog dedicated to this stuff too...
    do come visit!
